Programming for children, teens, and families.

The LGBT Center of Raleigh aims to support, engage and empower LGBTQ+ youth, young adults and families in North Carolina. All youth and young adult programs are planned and led by our Youth Leadership Team with the support and guidance of adult mentors. All family programs are planned and facilitated by parents, family members and the youth in their lives.

Youth and Young Adult Programming

Drop In Sunday’s

Monthly program planned and led by our Youth Leadership Team with guidance from adult mentors. Each month there are prompted activities or discussion topics for youth ages 13 to 18 (that are still in primary school) or 12 and younger (Drop In Jr.). This is open to any and all youth in that age range.

Youth Coffee House

A place for those who are exploring their identity to get peer support, learn and engage in discussion, and play games in a low-pressure environment. This program serves ages 13-18.


A monthly discussion group and affirming space for transgender, nonbinary, and gender expansive youth and young adults ages 13-18 to share experiences and discuss issues that are specific to the trans community. Refreshments and delicious tea are provided when meetings occur in person.


Queer Young Adult Book Club

Queer YA Book Club is a once a month book club where youth and young adults 13-18 come together to enjoy snacks, beverages, and a discussion of queerness through books!

Family Programming

Drag Story Hour Triangle

Storytellers using the art of drag to read books to kids in libraries, schools, bookstores, and community spaces.

Drag Story Hour captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.

In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where everyone can be their authentic selves!

  • A discussion group for parents and their adolescent transgender or gender expansive children. Program and discussion topics are geared toward adolescents in middle and high school (6th-12th grades) and their parents. The aim is to build community, provide support and have discussion about transition-related topics.

  • Parents of Queer Youth Alliance (PQYA) is a support and discussion group intended to serve as a safe space for parents to find support, build community, ask questions, and address the challenges they face raising LGBTQ+ children.

  • Quarterly meetups for LGBTQ+ folks and Allies that provide a chance to gather and commune in an affirming environment.

We hope to see you soon!

See the Center calendar for more info on program dates and times.