Programming for Transgender, Non-binary, Gender Expansive, and Gender Questioning Communities.
Gender Inclusion programming provides spaces for transgender, nonbinary, gender expansive and gender questioning adults (18+) to find community, seek peer support, share resources and socialize with others.

Gender Discussion Group
An open and welcoming environment for all adults (18+) of the transgender and gender expansive experience, including anyone who is unsure of or is questioning their gender. This is a closed group where discussions involve deeply personal situations so we ask that anyone who does not identify as transgender not attend unless they are coming as support for someone already in attendance. Each meeting focuses on a specific discussion topic, but there is time alloted for open dialogue and to ask questions. Scheduled monthly every second Monday at 7:00pm.

Nonbinary Discussion Group
An open and welcoming environment for any adult (18+) who is nonbinary or questioning. Each meeting focuses on a specific discussion topic, but there is time for open dialogue and to ask questions. This is a closed group where discussions involved deeply personal situations so we ask that anyone who does not identify as nonbinary to not attend unless accompanying someone as support. Scheduled monthly every third Wednesday at 7:00pm.

Nonbinary Tea Time
Monthly social meetup that alternates locations! The group is aimed mainly at nonbinary, gender-queer, and gender nonconforming individuals although anyone questioning and exploring is welcome to join us!

SoFFA (Significant Others, Friends, Family, Allies)
A communal support group for significant others, family, friends and allies of people going through a transgender/non-binary/gender expansive transition or experiencing gender dysphoria and not the transitioning or questioning person themselves. SoFFA aims to provide a safe space for loved ones to ask questions and gain new insights to become better allies and supporters of the community. This group meets the third Saturday of each month at 9 AM over Zoom. Contact info@lgbtcenterofraleigh.com to learn more and/or join.

Queer Clothing Closet
Affirming Shopping experiences that offers community free clothing, footwear, and accessories.

We hope to see you soon!!